
Method RMSE
PMNet 0.0383
Agile Method 0.0451
PPNet 0.0507

Short challenge overview: The First Pathloss Radio Map Prediction Challenge
Challenge overview including a comprehensive literature review: Overview of the First Pathloss Radio Map Prediction Challenge

Agile method: Agile Radio Map Prediction Using Deep Learning
Extended version including e.g. the study of the effect of building density and application to the AP ON/OFF problem: REM-U-Net: Deep Learning Based Agile REM Prediction with Energy-Efficient Cell-Free Use Case

PMNet: PMNet: Large-Scale Channel Prediction System for ICASSP 2023 First Pathloss Radio Map Prediction Challenge

PPNet: Deep Learning-Based Path Loss Prediction for Outdoor Wireless Communication Systems

Results including late submissions (after ICASSP 2023)

Method RMSE Date
REM-Net+ 0.0349 April 5, 2024
PMNet 0.0383 ICASSP 2023 SPGC
Agile Method 0.0451 ICASSP 2023 SPGC
PPNet 0.0507 ICASSP 2023 SPGC

REM-Net+: REM-Net+: 3D Radio Environment Map Construction Guided by Radio Propagation Model